Jan 20, 2007

John, Tampa, FL: Praise report: Bernice, the mother of one of his kids had a low blood cell count and they feared cancer but it turned out to be in error – no cancer. John asks for prayer for her that God will heal her from diabetes, and that He will lead her to a closer walk with Him.

William, St. Petersburg, FL: Prayer for his friend Geraldine, who is a Christian who got herself in a situation where the devil is trying to double cross her: she was offered a better job and gave notice, and then found that she didn’t have the new job. When she went back to her old job she was put on a 90-day probation. William wants prayer for her that she would have protection on the job and provide her with favor with her supervisors so that she may successfully complete the probation period.

Ashley, Ankara, Turkey: She just broke up with her boyfriend because she feels the relationship is not godly, and she prays for strength and a spiritual healing to clear his mind and his soul and guidance for her in this situation.

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